Our Cookies usage:
Is only for the strict necessity of the website operation if you sign up or sign in.
Is not intended for marketing or advertisement.
Is not connected to any third party.
We will never:
Use, give or sell your private data (such as name or email address).
Use, give or sell the images you have uploaded (you own all the copyrights).
Upload or share your images if you don't explicitly ask for it.
We may collect anonymous data for our own statistics such as, but not restricted to:
Number of tours created.
Number of tours shared.
Type of OS and hardware.
We may review (and eventually delete) your images if:
Somebody reports them for abusive content (such as described in the terms of service).
Somebody reports them for copyright infringement.
Privacy parameters:
By default, a tour can be viewed by anybody that has its link. It also appears in the website gallery.
Dermandar S.A.L. All rights reserved - 2024